Digital security of the hotel brand
hotel brand, digital security, cyberspace, UkraineAbstract
This article is devoted to the study of the brand digital security and its impact on the business processes of hotel businesses. The emphasis is on the fact that digital communications as key drivers of the sales system create increased risks to the security of the hotel business. The cost markers of hotel brands, operating in the market of hotel services of Ukraine in the dynamics of the pre-quarantine and post-quarantine periods are estimated. The structure of the capital’s hotel services market by categories and price segments has been studied. There are described the factors related to the formation of the system of protection quality of content and information at different levels of formal and informal communications, necessary for providing digital security of the hotel brand. There are offered possible ways to increase the level of digital security based on the implementation of cyber resilience tactics in hotels, based on brand carriers and risk categories, as well as monitoring and control of informal communication channels.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lyudmyla Bovsh, Myroslava Bosovska, Alla Okhrimenko, ?lla Rasulova

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