Valorization of territorial capital in function of rural tourism development – A case study of Kneževo municipality
territorial capital, rural development, rural tourism, valorisationAbstract
The main goal of the research presented in the paper is to analyse the current state and level of development of rural area, in Kneževo municipality, as well as to define the possibilities of development of certain forms of rural tourism based on the territorial capital. In other words, the capital of space consists of natural and created capital. For the purposes of the valorisation of tourist potentials, the qualitative-quantitative methodology of the World Tourism Organization was used, which includes conducting a survey using standard forms of a questionnaire. Based on this survey, resource scoring was performed according to all external and internal factors, i.e. criteria. According to the results of the research, the indicator of tourist value for Kneževo municipality is estimated with 98.74 points out of a possible 400 points, or 25% of its potential tourist value.
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