Economic indicators of rural destination development oriented to tourism management: The case of ethno villages in Western Serbia
rural tourism, economic impact, tourism management, rural development, SerbiaAbstract
Purpose – This paper explores the economic indicators of rural destination development focused on tourism management, with a specific emphasis on four ethno villages in Western Serbia. Our study, conducted from May 2022 to May 2023, gauges the local community’s perceptions of tourism’s economic impacts, particularly on women’s roles and overall quality of life. Methodology – Utilizing Chi-Square Tests, we assessed key economic dimensions such as employment, arts, agriculture, tourism, and investments. This methodological approach allows for a comprehensive examination of the multifaceted economic aspects relevant to rural destination development. Findings – The results of our study reveal positive influences on various economic dimensions, underscoring the transformative effects of rural tourism. Notably, observed economic aspects exhibit encouraging trends, emphasizing the potential for rural tourism to contribute positively to the economic landscape. Implications – Despite the positive outcomes, persistent gender imbalances underscore the need for targeted interventions aimed at enhancing women's participation in the local economy’s development. This study contributes valuable insights into the nuanced relationship between rural tourism and economic advancement, emphasizing the imperative for inclusive strategies in tourism management and addressing gender disparities for comprehensive rural development.
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